AML/TF workshop and presentation of new Guidelines

On Wednesday 21 March, a workshop and presentation of new Guidelines was held on the premises of the Securities Commission. The new Guidelines govern money laundering and terrorism financing risk assessment and application of the Law on prevention of money laundering and terrorism financing for entities supervised by the Securities Commission.

The reporting entities supervised by the Commission have been instructed on the new, most important features of the newly adopted Law.

The presentation has included analysis and assessment of risk from money laundering and terrorism financing reporting entities perform, links to the national risk assessment, how reporting entities are to derive category of risk from the risk criteria determined in the Guidelines, based on which they place a customer, business relation or a service into a risk category, how structural risk is determined, and what inherent risk is.

After the presentation of new Guidelines, the participants have discussed some problems which appear in practice.  

The workshop gathered together almost 60 representatives from reporting entities supervised by the Securities Commission.

Презентација Смерница за процену ризика од прања новца и финансирања тероризма и примену Закона за обвезнике у надлежности Комисије