Extension of the deadline for filing annual and consolidated financial statements

As part of the Economic Measures Program aimed at reducing the negative effects caused by the coronavirus pandemic and supporting the Serbian economy, the Government of the Republic of Serbia adopted a regulation extending the deadline for submission of annual financial statements of companies, cooperatives, other legal entities and entrepreneurs, on the joint initiative extended by the Ministry of Finance and the Securities Commission.

Regulation extends the deadlines for submission of audited financial statements to all entities whose reporting is regulated by the Capital Market Law, Law on Investment Funds, 60 days from the termination of the state of emergency.

For the reporting required by the Law on Accounting, it is prescribed that the period for regular annual financial statements will be postponed to 90 days from the termination of the state of emergency and the deadline for consolidated financial statements to 120 days from the date of termination of state of emergency.

Regulation (in Serbian only):

Уредба о померању рокова за одржавање редовне седнице скупштине привредног друштва и достављање годишњих и консолидованих финансијских извештаја привредних друштава, задруга, других правних лица и предузетника, као и рокова за подношење пријава за порез на добит и пореза на приход од самосталне делатности, важења лиценци овлашћених ревизора и лиценци за вршење процене вредности непокретности које истичу за време ванредног стања насталог услед болести COVID-19 изазване вирусом SARS-COV-2