BDC liquidity report filing via SEC Gateway

As of Tuesday 4 October 2016, broker-dealer companies can start filing reports on liquidity through the Reporting Gateway of the Securities Commission. The October monthly reports on liquidity will be filed solely through the Gateway.

The new capital liquidity rulebook for broker-dealer companies was passed by the Securities Commission at its 332 session on 8 April 2016 and its application began on 20 July 2016.

The Rulebook governs the minimum requirements for liquidity risk management of a broker dealer company, how to calculate liquidity indicators, the lowest level of liquidity allowed and reporting on liquidity by broker-dealer companies.

The Securities Commission has prepared a Video Instruction on how to fill in the report using the Gateway. The instructions are available in Serbian on the Securities Commission’s YouTube channel at the following link видео упутство о начину попуњавања месечних извештаја о показатељу ликвидности и обиму ликвидности за брокерско-дилерска друштва.